Between the two, Arizona and Arizona State form a formidable combination when it comes to states with dime-heavy student bodies. While Arizona is the lower-ranked of the two, there is no shame in this distinction. Whether you prefer a blue and red color scheme or are more of a yellow guy, you cannot go wrong. As a school primarily made up of California and Arizona natives, you can expect that the freshman come in tan and leave the same way.
There is an abundance of partying in the time in between, and Arizona has the massive Greek system to support these mass gatherings. While 'Zona is not going to challenge Harvard for the amount of Nobel Laureate graduates, it can boast a crushing victory in terms of future MILFs graduated. Known for the innate ability to create unlimited amounts of themed sorority T-shirts, the girls at Arizona will coax out your inner Wildcat and ensure that you have a fun 4 years in college.

Considering college? Make sure you are going to one with hot chicks
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